Seyma Aksoy
Seyma Aksoy
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Seyma Aksoy
YTÜ-Yıldız Technical University
Institute of Modern Republican History
Research interests related to diaspora
- Research actors in the diaspora
- Knowledge transfer
- The influence between social networks
Provisional working title: The influence of German-Turkish relations on the Turkish education system in the first epoch (1923-1946) of the Turkish Republic
The main subject of this project is Turkish German relations in the education life of the first period of the Republic (1923-1946). Studies on political, military, diplomatic and economic relations between the two countries are included. Relations in the fields of education and culture haven’t been adequately studied although close contact has been established with these fields. Migration between countries, especially on the basis of education, is important. In this sense, this study, which is limited to the first period of the Republic (1923-1946), will contribute to this gap in the field.
The effect of Germany, in general, in the modernization adventure of Turkish education will be investigated. On the other hand, in a special sense, the contributions of those who immigrated for education in Germany and German scientists who immigrated will be analyzed.
The policy of sending students to Germany and bringing experts from Germany was followed in Turkish German relations which developed increasingly with the Ottoman, Tanzimat period. This bond, which became stronger with friendship in arms in the first World War, continued in the young Republic as well. In Germany, the names who immigrated for education became effective in education life with their ideas and practices when they returned to Turkey. Moreover, the administrators of this period invited education experts from Germany to make observations and prepare reports. In the 1933 University reform, scientists brought from Germany played a founding role.
The study will reveal the place of knowledge transfer, which is formed by the immigration connection of the identified Turkish actors to Germany, in Turkish education life. These names carry with them practical and theoretical knowledge they have gained in the universities where they were educated. Thus, knowledge transfers result in the dissemination of knowledge.
Keywords: German-Turkish relations, actor research, educational knowledge transfer
Project duration: 06/20 – 06/23
Funding: TÜBİTAK- The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
Cooperation partner: Prof. Dr. Stefan Plaggenborg. Ruhr-University Bochum. Historical Institute of Eastern European History. 44780 Bochum / Germany. Find out moreExternal link