Rima Ghazinyan (M.A)

The Armenian Quarter and peacebuilding and reconciliation process around the Holy city since 1990s

Angaben zur Person:

Rima Ghazinyan

Forschungsinteressen mit Bezug auf Diaspora:

  • Armenische Diaspora
  • Interkultureller Dialog
  • Religiöse Bildung in der Diaspora

Vorläufiger Arbeitstitel des Promotionsprojekts: The Armenian Quarter and peacebuilding and reconciliation process around the Holy city since 1990s.


Armenians comprise one of the main ethno-religious groups of the Holy City with their unique culture, language and history. Yet, they are an important constituent of the Christian Community of Jerusalem, and as well as maintain cordial relations with almost all other religious communities of the Old City. Armenian Church possesses considerable intellectual and economic resources that are aimed at preservation of the Armenian identity and heritage.  From this perspective, education, including religious education plays a crucial role. Living in the multi-faith environment where religious sentiments have  fundamental significance religious education and pedagogy become an imperative that can lead to the reconciliation and dialogue among the confessions of the Old City. Thus, these two factors are mutually connected as the former may serve as a firm anchor on which the latter is built.

Armenians position themselves as neutral. During all its long-lasting history in Jerusalem, Armenian Diaspora not only did its best for maintaining its physical presence and culture in the City, but also to the best of its abilities contributed to the interfaith and intercultural dialogue by building mutually respectful and sincere relationship with all communities of Jerusalem.   

In the zone of permanent conflict religious education may become a key for the long-lasting peace and stability. Hence, the project is aimed to uncover and examine the role of the Armenian Community of Jerusalem in reconciliation and peacemaking processes starting from 1990s when Madrid and Oslo peace negotiations were launched until present time.

Keywords: Armenische Diaspora, Versöhnung und Friedensstiftung

Projektlaufzeit: 07/2024-06/2027